The overall goal of ALERRT is to build a sustainable clinical and laboratory research preparedness and response network in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to reduce the public health and socio-economic impact of (Re-) emerging and Epidemic-Prone Infectious Diseases (REPID) in SSA.

This research programme is formed of a multi-centre, prospective, observational, two-tiered cohort study of adults and children attending emergency rooms or general medicine outpatient consultation with a febrile illness (with or without localising features). The framework for this proposed research programme includes a ‘core study’ (tier one) and a ‘nested study’ (tier two).

These studies will generate valuable new scientific insights into the causes, severity, management and outcome of “Febrile Illnesses”, which can feed into the clinical and policy level decision-making in future epidemic threats in SSA.

Learn more about this research programme operating across ALERRT:

FISSA study

NESTED study

ACE2 Polymorphism Study


Clinical Research Sites

A map feature has been generated to visually illustrate the distribution of the named participating clinical sites across ALERRT. An additional meta-network mapping tool places the context of these sites and the ALERRT network into the broader picture of wider international research programmes that are operating both across Africa, and more globally.

ALERRT sites

Network of Networks

Collaborating Networks

ALERRT builds on efforts by the EDCTP Networks of Excellence WANETAM, CANTAM and EACCR, and internationally well-embedded research and training partners with extensive operational experience in outbreak preparedness and response, and the associated challenges in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Visit the Hubs to learn more about the research programmes and objectives which underpin these Pan-African networks.