Multicentre, multi-site consortia programmes offer an opportunity to implement capacity building initiatives using the core clinical studies of the programme as an initial basis and direction for skills strengthening and transfer.

Working with multiple international research networks offers the opportunity to implement twinning and site-exchange schemes that focus on targeted learning through active participation and peer mentoring.

To strengthen and enforce the power of South-South collaboration, we use our role within these consortia programmes to engage and facilitate twinning programmes across the networks. This draws on the skill base and regional expertise held within the networks, so that a less experienced site might be paired with and mentored by a more expert site from settings with contextually relevant challenges.

In response to initial collaborations built between Institut Pasteur de Madagascar (IPM) and WP5, and a successful capacity building workshop hosted in July 2018 in Madagascar, a subsequent Twinning and Mentoring opportunity was idenitified. Read more about it here.