ACE2 Polymorphism Study (Cameroon, Senegal, Uganda)

The ACE2 Polymorphism Project across Senegal, Cameroon, and Uganda represents a comprehensive effort to understand the genetic and immunological factors influencing COVID-19 severity and co-infections. By analyzing polymorphisms of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 genes, along with associated biomarkers and immunological profiles, the project aims to contribute significantly to the global understanding of COVID-19 pathogenesis and its interaction with other prevalent diseases in different populations.

Project Highlights:

  • Senegal: Data from the SENCOV and SEN-COV-FADJ projects includes epidemiological, clinical, and biological data, along with plasma ANG2 levels and cytokine analysis.
  • Cameroon: Ongoing biochemical tests aim to provide further insights into the project's objectives.
  • Uganda: Retrospective sample collection for Malaria+, TB+, and Control groups, with comprehensive testing completed and entered into the system for analysis.