
There are three separate facilities for different types of discussion between members: Blogs, Discussions, and Working Groups.

1. Blogs are open spaces for sharing relevant information, reflections or narratives about experiences of ongoing studies sharing news items, etc.

  • Many users utilise the blogs spaces for sharing news items, and blogs can be shared across the whole Global Health Network if users wish; hence they are useful ways for sharing information beyond just ALERRT readers.
  • Any logged-in member can post a blog, simply by clicking Community > Blogs > Write Post.

Blogs can be edited by the author once written, and users can comment on a blog post if they wish to do so.  Anybody can view a blog, even if they are not a member of the Network.

2. Discussion Groups are places for sharing items requiring feedback, and provide a simply discussion-fora where users can share their information. 

  • Most discussion groups are open to all, but it is also possible to set up discussion groups, which are closed.  The information in a ‘closed group’ is not accessible to individuals not approved by the person who set up the group.
  • These ‘closed’ discussion groups can be ‘invite only’ (e.g. the group administrator invites certain individuals only - for example this could be useful for a study team with specified members), or ‘request to join’ (where anyone can join on a request only basis.  This could be useful for example if the people want to start a working group on a specific topic, which is private, but which relevant others can join too). 
  • Any member can set up a closed discussion group if they wish to do so.

Discussion groups are overseen by The Global Health Network’s operational team to ensure that content and advice remain appropriate and information is high-quality.

3. Working groups are closed areas, which aim to provide a useful working space for specified teams to collaborate on documents. 

Working groups need to be set-up by the operational team for a group to use, and the users need to be:

  • specified and
  • must be users of The Global Health Network.

Working groups provide the ability to upload and download different types of documents, to enable groups to work together for example on protocols, data capture tools, etc.

The content of working group discussions is not viewable by other members of the Global Health Network or ALERRT.